The Origin
The Boy and the Dinosaur TV series began life as a short student film created by Jason Harding. Russell Dever from 1461 Productions saw the potential of the property and brought together a team of industry experts Writers, Concept Artists, Storyboard Artists, Producers, Directors and Sound Designers to transform the concept into something that would appeal to an international audience in a global market.
SD was asked to consult the 1461 team on production techniques to take the property forward. We took time to assess the project’s current state and proposed how our services could add value across the board. Our plan was to build additional material that could be used to sell the series to the top level of broadcasters.
We demonstrated our high level skillset covering the complete production process and focused a lot of attention on rigging. Rigging seems to be an area that often falls short and really limits the emotional and physical dexterity of any character. A bad rig is like having a puppet with only half of their strings.
Keep reading on to see the journey we took in developing something quite successful and reaching our goal of a fully realised and high quality property.